Alcohol & Depression

Alcohol & Depression

The relationship between alcohol, depression and other mental health issues is complex. Infact it is a bit chicken and egg in nature - is the alcohol making the depression worse or is the depression making you turn to alcohol to cope? The truth is it is a bit of a vicious cycle with depression and heavy drinking have a mutually reinforcing relationship – meaning that either condition increases a person’s chances of experiencing the other.

How can alcohol make my depression worse?

The short-term effects of drinking alcohol, such as a feeling of euphoria and / or relaxation may help reduce feelings of depression or anxiety however self-medicating in this way can actually make these conditions worse by:
  • Putting a strain on your relationships, work or finances. 
  • Making you feel physically unwell through hangover symptoms such as headache and nausea.
  • Masking underlying causes of depression, meaning they aren’t properly addressed.
  • Getting in the way of activities you’d usually enjoy doing.
If you come to rely on alcohol to ease your low mood, you should consider reducing the amount you drink to help manage symptoms. You should contact your GP if you’re concerned about your mental health or drinking – there is a lot of support available for you.

Want to know how risky your drinking is?

Alcohol can have a big impact on your health - take the test to see how your drinking measures up.
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